Hossam and Serena Ramzy performing in Bath in April
The Persian-Egyptian-Turkish Dance & Music Festival is being held in Bath, at The Assembly Rooms and the University of Bath, from the 18th to the 20th April 2008. The event will feature workshops, seminars and performances of beautiful exotic music and dance. Hossam Ramzy, with his Egyptian Orchestra will be performing in concert, accompanied by stunning dance from his wife Serena Ramzy and her troupe.
Hossam is famous for his brilliant Egyptian sounds - he has collaborated with and produced albums for a multitude of famous artists including Jimmy Page and Robert Plant of Led Zeppelin, The Gipsy Kings and Peter Gabriel. He has released over 45 albums (just search the ARC Music site for "Hossam Ramzy" to see his collection) and has toured and performed across the world with Serena. It will be an un-missable event mixing the flavours of Persian, Egyptian and Turkish music and dance to educate, entertain and enchant.
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