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How To Protec of AH1N1
Swine Flu Symptoms
The swine flu symptoms reported when infected with the swine flu are similar to the symptoms of the influenza virus most are familiar with. The good news is that most people who become infected will do fine and will not have any long term complications. Those who are immune compromised, older or pregnant may be at higher risk of complications or serious respiratory illness. The most common swine flu symptoms include:
*Nasal Congestion
*Body aches
*Joint Pains
*Sore throat
*Decreased energy
*Rarely death in more severe cases, especially from pneumonia.
The swine flu symptoms reported when infected with the swine flu are similar to the symptoms of the influenza virus most are familiar with. The good news is that most people who become infected will do fine and will not have any long term complications. Those who are immune compromised, older or pregnant may be at higher risk of complications or serious respiratory illness. The most common swine flu symptoms include:

*Nasal Congestion
*Body aches
*Joint Pains
*Sore throat
*Decreased energy
*Rarely death in more severe cases, especially from pneumonia.

Cambodian Ministry of Health has reported an increase in the number of cases of the H1N1 virus being reported to authorities. A further five cases have been confirmed in the last week - bringing the total number to 14. According to the Phnom Penh Post, the latest cases involve four Americans who developed the flu following a recent trip to Bangkok and the final case concerned an Irish man who was stopped at Phnom Penh International Airport after he showed signs of the virus. Ly Sovann, the deputy director of the health ministry's communicable diseases control department, said: "We have had 14 cases of swine flu in Cambodia, but nobody has died. We will continue to monitor swine flu at the airport and border crossings."He added that people with a fever, cough or breathing difficulties should contact the special swine flu hotline for advice on treatment. Cambodia confirmed its first swine flu case in June after a US student entered the country as part of a school trip. (see more: )
Take Care Our Culture
Posted by
on Thursday, July 9, 2009
Khmer Culture
Comments: (1)

The Cambodian government has made aggressive rhetorical efforts to preserve the integrity of traditional Khmer culture, but younger generations are hungry for a change. In a seemingly uphill battle to maintain cultural identity in an increasingly homogeneous global community, one man has made it his mission to preserve the past for future generations.
From household items and clothes to jewelry and sculpture, Liv Saa Em's private collection is one of the largest in Cambodia.
"It is my favorite thing to do since I was young. I like to keep antiques in my house because my parents bought a lot of antiques from villagers to keep at their house.
Upon first glance, Liv Saa Em could be mistaken for an ancient Khmer man in his traditional dress. Ancient relics adorn his house as well, stretching from the front door into the darkest corners. The building is his sanctuary; a place Liv Saa Em says keeps him smiling. Visitors to the house, which doubles as a museum, often have offered the collector money for his goods. But Liv Saa Em's mission is to maintain Khmer culture for Cambodia. His message: History is not for sale.
The robbery of Khmer artifacts, for sale to foreign countries, is a rising concern. In efforts to preserve the integrity of Cambodia's tangible history, the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts recently prohibited the exportation of artifacts from Cambodia to Vietnam and Thailand. Liv Saa Em agrees with the act's passage, as he too works to preserve artifacts so that all of Cambodia may enjoy them in years to come.

Unable to forget the loss, Liv Saa Em has made a conscious effort to buy pieces for his private collection at home. Trading medicine or rice for art, the collector has purchased relics from Takeo, Kampong Speu and Phnom Penh. Now Liv Saa Em's reputation for collecting precedes him, and tourists that visit his home hoping to make a purchase are always denied.
"I love Khmer artifacts and I love to keep them forever," Liv Saa Em said.
Liv Saa Em's love affair with the past started when he was just a boy. "I wore simple cloth like other people when I was young," he said. But after completing his studies, Liv Saa Em developed a style of his own. Entering adulthood, he wore the ancient Khmer cloth donned by people of the Funan period and shaved his head so that only a tuft of hair sat atop the middle of his crown.
Businessmen raised Liv Saa Em, the youngest son of a nine-member family that often dressed in traditional Khmer clothing. He was the most beloved of the lot then. Today he is alone. Liv Saa Em's brothers, sisters and parents perished during the war.

Liv Saa Em preserves the past to protect the future. Concerned that irresponsible development could damage ancient artifacts, the collector suggested that Cambodia develop a tourism industry based on the riches of Khmer artifacts and temples.